Thursday, November 13, 2008

Smarty Pants


Like Mother Like Daughter - and I can be proud to say this!

Yesterday was our first marking period Parent Teacher Conference. I was excited to hear the good and the bad, from Rose's teacher, Ms. Shrader. Rose told me earlier in the day that she didn't want me to talk to Ms. Shrader, because what if she told me that she was bad. I have installed the fear in her!

Well, bad first. She is a definite Chatty Cathy. A complete 180 degree turn from the start of Kindergarten. I have been informed that she is quite popular amongst the girls in the class - thus causing a Miss Personality! Not like her Momma there. I was never like that. That is probably why I am "Ok" with this situation as long as it stays in check.

Academically she is performing above normal. Reading and Math at the top of her class. Her reading is in Level C which is end of Kindergarten/beginning of First grade, and her math is actually near second grade level already. So maybe she will be teaching me my math pretty soon! She seems to be comfortable in her daily activities and adjusting well to school in general. No complaints in this area, she did make a comment on how neat Rose's handwriting is! Now that is a Mommy trait!

Gosh, she makes me proud. I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that I have helped her get here and it will only go further from here.

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up? A teacher who teaches Doctors. Interesting!!

You go, baby girl!


Unknown said...

Awwww. I'm glad she's doing so well. <3

Kim Cervone said...

You go, Rose!!! I am proud of her too!