Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today, of all days, I realize how lucky I am to have family. Enjoying dinner with various member of my extended family today, brought realization to this fact. As I was cleaning and listening to the sounds around me; people sharing memories, kids playing gleefully, nothing but complete and utter chaos, it overwhelmed me with JOY. I turned to Mark as he was passing and I knew I needed to express my feeling of contentment in having our family over for dinners such as these, reminding him how blessed we were, in return we shared a special loving kiss and I think for a moment we knew this is what we both had dreamed of.

Today was perfect in many ways. A beautiful enjoyment of bagpipes at church, a productive day of snaking a sewer drain, a wonderfully prepared meal including dessert, memories, laughter, tears and best of all God's blessing of LOVE!

Thank you, God ~ for you have provided me with everything I need. Spiritually, emotionally and physically.


Kim Cervone said...

Isn't it funny how "the inportant things" aren't even things? I wish I knew that a longtime ago!Great blog entry!