Monday, December 1, 2008

Friends, Family, and Fun!

2008 Thanksgiving has passed without a glitch. The family, friends, food and fun were perfect! I prepared the most scrumptious dinner. The recipe from my dearest Ellisa topped off the day. There were those that thought I purchased the cake (that’s how good it looked!). I even made my own caramel sauce. That was a lot for me. Thank you, hun!

I can’t believe that November has now passed. It’s December and now comes the rush. Finals, Cooking, Cleaning, Shopping, Working – all that fun stuff. Mark and I have decided that this year we will be getting the girls a Wii for Christmas. We only do one major gift from the Jolly man and three small gifts with a symbolization of the gifts from the Wisemen. Like others have said, we are cutting way back. There is no need; that is not the reason for the season.

I volunteered for McRest over New Years. My mom and I will be overnight hosts on New Year’s Eve. Seeing how we usually don’t do much on that night anyway, we might as well do something really worthwhile. I can’t wait.

This weekend, since the weather was nice, the girls were helping Mark in his
Grandparents yard. Without complaint, whine, cry – NOTHING they raked three full bags of leaves. They knew it was needed, they expected nothing. However, they did receive. Papa was most generous and provided them with some money towards their new winter jackets. They were more than thrilled, and so was I. It teaches them that by giving without expectations, you will always receive!

Rose and I watched Nim’s Island over the weekend. We both loved it! It’s one of those happily ever after movies. If you haven’t seen it, take this as our suggestion!


Kim Cervone said...

Sounds like a great meal and fantastic way to bringin the new year!!!

Unknown said...

Glad everyone enjoyed the recipe. And what a great weekend!!

Gene said...

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!! Glad you all had such a wonderful time. Love Mom K.

Jen said...

Glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving!

We will have to check out that movie!

Lorene said...

Glad to hear you had such a great day! Now where is that recipe? lol

And yes, we NEED to get the little ladies together soon! I miss you much!