Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Yes, I am pouting. I'm just not right, I tell ya! However much I pray, however much I think positive, the pouting just doesn't go away!

Things are crazy here, emotionally - physically, just plain crazy! The stress is taking its toll on me, but yet there is nothing that I can do to change it. It's out of my control, I know that much, but still how do you let it go.

Mark's hours were reduced at work. That probably plays the biggest part right now. The uncertainty of layoff, the what ifs are almost enough to drive a person to drink. Yeah I know, its not a layoff, but that is a pay reduction we just can't afford right now.

Finals week were last week. Sure I finished the semester with another 4.0, but I wasn't even really too excited about that. I'm getting burnt out, and it probably stems from the fact that my big Nursing Entrance Test is coming up and I am SCARED. This is the make or breaking point. This determines if I have just wasted $13,000 or not. Also, the stress from the above paragraph, who knows if I will continue. Right now our family's finances are most important and if I have to go back to work full time, I will.

Mark's Grandma was taken into the hospital this past week. Things were shaky and things still are. She has recovered from her surgery (which they still don't know the actual cause of illness), but this has left her just a little confused. I am hoping that this wears off soon.

I don't know why, but my life seems a mess right now. I'm ready for a change. I'm putting in my two week notice, if things don't change, well.....I don't know.....maybe I will just QUIT! Leaving and going to, hmmmmm, I don't know somewhere far and exotic sounds just about perfect to me right now! My very own deserted island!


Jen said...

Hang in there! You are doing amazing!!! I'm sure you'll figure out how to work it all out soon.

And if you decide to head to that island, I can be packed in 5 minutes!! LOL!

Just remember to breathe!

Unknown said...

You really are doing a great job. All your feelings are totally natural and common.

And yes, I can pack fast too! However then it wouldn't be your very own deserted island...you'd have to share it with a few close friends. But I don't think you'd mind.

Kim Cervone said...

I know it isn't any consolation but you are in good company, and a lot of it. I am still parying for your situation..all of them, actually. Here is the consolation, you are loved and prayed for : ) xoxo