Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday, Rose Marie!

Today, was Rose's 6th Birthday! Wow these years are flying!

Friday we celebrated her birthday at school with all of her classmates and brought in mini blueberry muffins with a cream cheese frosting and blueberries on top. Yum Yum! It was wonderful to share in her day at school. Songs and wishes from all her teachers and friends made the day even more special!

On Friday evening she lost her first tooth. She couldn't of been more excited. She wants another one to come out, already. The tooth fairy brought her and very special "chapter" book and of course some money! I wonder if that is why she wants another one to fall out!

I'm speechless right now, probably because of the montage I just you tell me what you think!!

I really need to start slowing down and smelling the coffee, I feel like I may start missing some thing....


Jen said...

What a beautiful montage!!

How is it our kids are getting so big so fast?

Unknown said...

It was indeed a beautiful montage that allowed me to take a stroll down memory lane!

Brightside said...

awwwww, that was so sweet. Great job on the montage :)

They are growing up fast, for sure!

Kim Cervone said...

I am such a sap, crying at pictures of your beautiful young lady. You did a great job on the montage. i think I will start searching for Reagan's pictures now. It is quite a task.
Praying for you guys too : )