Monday, April 13, 2009


I hope you all had a most enjoyable Easter. We enjoyed a dinner/day with family! What more could you ask for?

I need to post this, I love this story of Rose.

P.S. If you think taking pictures of 1 or 2 children is hard, try 3! Next to impossible, almost!!

While at the hospital on Saturday visiting my husbands grandmother, a nurse started talking with Rose about what happens Sunday (Easter). Nurse asked Rose, "Who comes tomorrow?" Rose thought for a quick moment and said, "Jesus". The nurse looked up at me with a startled eye. I smiled. She then proceeded to ask Rose, "Well, what is so special about tomorrow?" I know the Nurse was looking for the usual Easter Bunny, or Easter Basket reply, however Rose proceeded to state, "Jesus lives!". The look on the nurses face was pure joy in my heart. Hallelujah!


Unknown said...

cute pic!!! I'm impressed!

Kim Cervone said...

They look like little angels. That Rose story warms my heart but DOES NOT surprise me. You are teaching them well : ) xo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of your beautiful cherubs!!