Monday, February 2, 2009

The Nerve of some PEOPLE!

Seriously, if I wasn't just a down right honest to goodness good person, I would have to be laying down some smack just about now! It's a long story, I don't even want to make it a short story.

It hurts, but what gives. We have tried to work things out before (NO - not Mark and I, this has to do with others), but things always continue festering.

People are just bothering me lately! I am so thankful for MY family. They are what FAMILY is supposed to be. We HELP each other, we genuinely CARE for each other, we SUPPORT each other. It's a normal thing, or at least I thought.

I can imagine life without this stress. Free from being someone who they want you to be, Free from caring about what they think, Free from it all. It would be a great feeling, if things weren't so complicated!

Anyway, this weekend....

Aside from working, which it seemed I did all weekend, was pretty uneventful. Well Friday, was an interesting day for Rose, she had to move her disciplinary clip to yellow, because a boy wrote on her, so she in turn wrote on him. After a discussion with her she knows what the proper way of handling this situation would have been. Cheryl (her teacher) was kind enough to call me on my cell phone before I went to pick up Rose so I had a heads up. So that set up her weekend for disappointment. No lunch with the teacher and a yellow mark on her calendar = makes for a sad Rose!

Mark and his Uncle Keith hung out on Friday night. They sat around drinking Beer and eating Venison Sausage (YUCK!). They even got the girls eating it!!! He wanted to come and meet the dog (which he tried to buy from us) and he really likes to hang out with the girls. So they did that as I WORKED!

Saturday I WORKED, again, and then we had a special event. Mark's grandfather turned 80 years young! I can only seriously hope I live that long. We had dinner with him amongst others on Saturday. My parents stopped by and wished his day good, as well. (Oh and for those of you who were worried, we are all "squared" away on the money aspect $50.00 has been paid to the appropriate person). lol

Sunday means church, grocery shopping and Superbowl all wrapped into one busy day.

All the while, I was trying to study for a HUGE Microbiology exam I have tonight! can't get any better!


Unknown said...

Stop stressing! You can't do anything about the people who decide to make you MORE stressed and talk behind your back. Ignore it. You know what's true, what's not; what's best for your family and what's not.

Focus on the important things right now. The degree, the kids and your faith. Pray for release from the concern about what these people think of you. I know you can make it through this time. It would just be so much easier if you had genuine care and loving support from ALL of those around you. (oops...did I say too much?)

Stepher said...

>.< You know better. You're stressing like all get out, if I know you well enough. **By Stressing, I'm referring to you having your mind on it, wether you are alright with the idea of leaving it be or not.**

I've been arguing my point to ma all day. If your post is about what I think it is...Hands down, ma's an idiot. She can say whatever she wants to to whoever she wants to -- but don't forget that you know the truth and everyone else will too. It'll bug you, and it'll certainly bug everyone else too, but you know what's right. That's the difference between ma and other people. She can't quite draw the line between "Mean what you say and say what you mean" and "Silence is golden".

To us, the border-line is "Speak fitly or be silent wisely."

Stepher said...

Check it out, here's a mini update for you. Ma's starting up this new one that I've been beating my dog. She can see it in her eyes and she's not happy anymore. HILARIOUS -- At least so I think!!

Athena's been going on this barking streak..and people shouting SHUT UP or QUIET isn't working anyways. So What do I do? Google it! In a nutshell, they say ignore it and give her something else to do. When she barks again, don't talk, don't look and let it go. She'll find that she can't get any general attention from you and she'll play by herself! So far, so good! Now if I can get ma to participate, then we'll be home free!

Kim Cervone said...

I don't really know the story here but I don't need to know the story to know that you have enough going on to worry about what other people, ANY other people think. Going grocery shopping on Superbowl Sunday would have been enough for me to stress out. I hope that things are better. Love you!!