Saturday, November 22, 2008

AppleBottom Jeans

Those who know me know Rose's obsession with AppleBottom Jeans. Well yesterday, we fulfilled her wish and probably fueled her fire. Her Zja Zja and Nana decided that they were going to give Rose the remaining amount of money needed to purchase her jeans. She was on Cloud9!

She really is quite the fashion diva, picking out her outfit (she had enough to get a shirt, as well).

Here were her choices:

Her choice of color for her top was Orange, though. Little did I know, Bella, received a pair, as well. This better not start fueling her fire! (Pictures of the girls dolled up will follow later afer work).

Today the girls are getting their pictures taken from a friend, Jess. Hopefully these shots will be used for the upcoming holiday season mailings. This will be one thing crossed off of my list of many. Luckily, this year we are cutting back on the gifts and choosing more time with the families. It is what matters most!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tutor Time

So I thought I would touch up on the opportunity that I have been given to begin tutoring at Baker College. Two weeks ago, I was approached, based on my GPA, and questioned as to whether I would be interested in beginning to tutor.

On first impression, I knew it was an excellent opportunity for advancement and my resume, but two weeks into this position I now know it is a sacrifice.

My life as I once knew it is non-existent. I tutor 13 hours a week, which at a glance does not seem like much, but it surely is! Between tutoring and school time I hardly see Mark - perhaps like 10 minutes in passing, as he is returning home from work, I am leaving out the door for either work or class. The girls as well, after school time can be quite hectic; getting their homework done and them fed dinner is quite a task. I think they may be getting more attached to their Daddy then their Mommy now.

I would not want to pass up on this opportunity, but need to find that fine balance that I once knew, if it is at all possible?

On top of my hectic schedule

Mon - 6-8:30 tutor
Tue - 6-9:40 Pathophysiology
Wed - 6-8:30 tutor
Thu - 6-9:40 Algebra
Fri - 9-12:30 tutor
Sat - 9-12:30 tutor

I still manage to carry my 4.0, and that to me is a Miracle in itself, but one that is welcomed with open arms!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today, of all days, I realize how lucky I am to have family. Enjoying dinner with various member of my extended family today, brought realization to this fact. As I was cleaning and listening to the sounds around me; people sharing memories, kids playing gleefully, nothing but complete and utter chaos, it overwhelmed me with JOY. I turned to Mark as he was passing and I knew I needed to express my feeling of contentment in having our family over for dinners such as these, reminding him how blessed we were, in return we shared a special loving kiss and I think for a moment we knew this is what we both had dreamed of.

Today was perfect in many ways. A beautiful enjoyment of bagpipes at church, a productive day of snaking a sewer drain, a wonderfully prepared meal including dessert, memories, laughter, tears and best of all God's blessing of LOVE!

Thank you, God ~ for you have provided me with everything I need. Spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Smarty Pants


Like Mother Like Daughter - and I can be proud to say this!

Yesterday was our first marking period Parent Teacher Conference. I was excited to hear the good and the bad, from Rose's teacher, Ms. Shrader. Rose told me earlier in the day that she didn't want me to talk to Ms. Shrader, because what if she told me that she was bad. I have installed the fear in her!

Well, bad first. She is a definite Chatty Cathy. A complete 180 degree turn from the start of Kindergarten. I have been informed that she is quite popular amongst the girls in the class - thus causing a Miss Personality! Not like her Momma there. I was never like that. That is probably why I am "Ok" with this situation as long as it stays in check.

Academically she is performing above normal. Reading and Math at the top of her class. Her reading is in Level C which is end of Kindergarten/beginning of First grade, and her math is actually near second grade level already. So maybe she will be teaching me my math pretty soon! She seems to be comfortable in her daily activities and adjusting well to school in general. No complaints in this area, she did make a comment on how neat Rose's handwriting is! Now that is a Mommy trait!

Gosh, she makes me proud. I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that I have helped her get here and it will only go further from here.

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up? A teacher who teaches Doctors. Interesting!!

You go, baby girl!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

17 years ago.....

I took off that Rollerskate, the one I felt so comfortable on, at I time I felt as if I was "tha bomb" at partying on skates.

Looking back, I didn't realize then, that the next time I would put on a pair of those same skates, I would be thankful that I was there again, but this time not caring about my wobbly knees or what I looked like, only about experiencing it with my daughter!

Last week, Rose's school had a Rollerskating fundraiser. We had a blast. We fell, We laughed, We bonded! As I looked around I saw parents just sitting, not experiencing these precious moments with their children, perhaps they are still afraid of what they will look like?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

~*~Halloween Fun~*~

Wow, that picture says it all. Look at Bella's face - she was so excited for Halloween this year. She being a doctor, Rose a witch, and lil ole Mia a sailor! We had tons of fun, laughs, surprises, and candy!!

Bella Preschool 2008-2009

Rose Kindergarten 2008-2009

I had a blast spending Tuesday and Thursday with Bella's class and Friday with Rose's class. What a wonderful boost in energy and love. This is all I have ever wanted! To be that kind of Mom!

And just because I love this little girl so....
Mia looking all cute, dimple and all!!